M Téllez (2015)
"GENTRY" is an essay about the personal experience of having your city gentrified, in this case the city of Philadelphia. It is first person and the speaker is not identified. It is a part of a larger project called "CYBORG MEMOIRS," a series of speculative fiction pieces that tell the story of cyberpunk post-apocolyptic world not very different from our own. Having this series exist in a browser that can constantly updated is integral to the story, with Télez citing that "It’s a tale that will change over time and become a different memory for each of you." The way she embraces the structure of websites to construct memory is similar to that of "My Boyfriend Came Back From the War," which also experiments with memory through a fragmented browser.
In her about page, Tellez says that "We already exist in the aftermath of an apocalypse." This is arguably the most important theme of the series, a theme highlighted by "GENTRY" specifically. We do not know if this essay is canonically a part of Cyborg Memoirs -- no character is addressed and the Philadelphia described seems identical to the one that already exists. Blurring this line blurs the fiction and reality of the apocolypse in Cyborg Memoirs.