Olia Lialina (1996)
"My Boyfriend Came Back from the War" is a browser-art piece that uses HTML to structure an interactive narrative about a woman trying to reconnect with her boyfriend who has just returned from war. The screen splits into smaller fragments as the player presses hyperlinks and images. This creates an intricate web of interwoven dialogue (all of which are pulled from early Hollywood movies) and images. Liliana investigates memory through this structure, as each play-through always has the same fragments, but are experienced in a different order. For Lialina, browsers have become an extention of cinematic exploration. She began her artistic career as a part of an experimental cinema club, but like Barbara Lattanzi, realized the connection between computing and cinema after recieving a computer through a grant. Net Art Anthology cites when describing this piece: "My Boyfriend Came Back from the War highlights the parallels and divergences between cinema and the web as artistic and mass mediums."
This formative and important piece of web art inspired re-interpretations, many of which only borrow the structural elements and many of which borrow narrative elements from the title to the images. Liliana "considers the numerous artistic remakes and remixes of the piece an extension of her initial investigation." Borrowing and repurposing is not only allowed, but essential to this piece.