Natalie Bookchin (2009-11)
"Now he’s out in public and everyone can see" is a collection of vlog segments that Bookchin found on the internet. All of the vlogs feature people ranting about four black celebrities caught in media scandals. Bookchin pieces segments together without mention of any of the celebrities' names to create a fictional person that the vloggers are interrogating, villianizing, and sexualizing. By finding commonalities between them, sometimes to the point where phrases begin to chorus, racist and dangerous sentiments expressed in the vlogs are exposed as systematic as opposed to motivated purely by individual bias.
Although the man being ridiculed in this piece is fictional, the vloggers are not, making this piece undeniabley factual and revealing undeniable violence. Not only is this aspect integral to the impact of the piece, but this remixing of existing vlogs is in conversation with her ideas about how media influences this violence. Bookchin quotes: "In a time of instantaneous 24-hour news cycles, emotionally charged media stories spread virally across the internet and are filtered through social media sites where commentators make videos responding to, reenacting, remixing, and retelling the stories."